
"Scoop" starring Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson & Woody Allen

A student journalist, for a college paper, visiting friends in contemporary London happens upon the scoop of a lifetime. Along the investigative trail, she finds magic, murder, mystery - and perhaps love, with a British aristocrat.

Summary written by Focus Features
Rating: 2
OK, I know I am not a huge Woody Allen fan nor have I seen of his movies he has done in the last how many years since he's made a name for himself, BUT for the sake of wanting to see two of my fave actors on screen together, I went and bought the DVD. Mind you it took me a while before I removed it from its plastic wrapper and popped it in to my DVD player. I was just bored last night and so not wanting to sleep yet so I decided to watch the movie that has been beckoning me to watch it ever since I bought it.
What got me to wanting to see this movie was the really intriguing summary concerning the plot. Then I found out Hugh Jackman's playing the 'eye candy' male and Scarlett Johansson's the leading lady. And I read in the newspaper as well a pretty intriguing review about it so it got me curious.
Well, all I can say is: Thank God I didn't spend over $10 bucks for tickets!
Hmmm...come to think of it, I paid more to buy the darn DVD! Anyway, at least I can always pop the DVD in and drool over the debonair Hugh any time I want. -LoL-
OK, on with the review (since I sooooo love to digress here).
The movie started off with a funeral for a famous journalist who has passed away. Cut scene to his buddies praising him at the local pub, drinking to his happy descent (or ascent -- whichever) to wherever he (the deceased journalist) was going. Another cut scene; it was night and a boat with people were on it. Focus on the Grim Reaper standing at the front of the boat and this guy comes up to him and asked where they were going. Of course no answer. A fellow female passenger told him she has tried, then they got the introductions out of the way.
Ever the journalist (reporter), our deceased named Joe Strombel (Ian McShane) was intrigued by his fellow passenger's tale on how she suspected her boss poisoned her.
I won't be spoiling too much. A series of rather mundane, not so laugh worthy scenes followed, then it was time for Sandra (Scarlett Johansson) to find out who this Peter Lyman (Hugh Jackman) is and scoop out the truth about the so-called Tarot Card Murderer.
Scarlett and Hugh were awesome! Made me love them as an on-screen couple. And I applaud Hugh's ability to be both a comedian and a serious actor. And Scarlett...well, she's just a gem! I mean, I watched her in An American Rhapsody and the Island and In Good Company portraying three different characters. She was awesome.
Scoop served a few good laughs, but honestly, I was soooooooooo glad I could press the forward key and skip through the scenes that bore me.

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