Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!

"The Lost Room"
I am not really a sci-fi fanatic, but I tend to enjoy watching movies/shows/series/minis about the paranormal or supernatural just as long as they were done in good taste and the gore justifies the plot of the story -- not because a lot of people these days are sadistic pricks who loves to see peoples' heads get chopped off or whatnot.
When I saw a preview for this 3-part mini series while watching one of the evening shows with my mom some time last week, I was intrigued by it. And my mother, knowing my taste so darn well, knew I'd be interested in it and voiced it out. I didn't pay much heed to it since I usually miss out watching these so-called 'interesting' shows that irked my fancy.
Simple. I see a preview for it days in advance, store it at the back of my head, then LIFE happens and I forget about it. -LoL- You'd think I'd sit down and write it in my agenda book or something, right?
I ain't really much of a TV-watcher these days. I have a set day or days when I am going to glue myself in front of the television, and that's only when my fave shows (the ones I watch every week almost religiously) is/are on. Other than that, I'd be lucky to turn on my TV to watch something other than one of my numerous DVD movies! -LoL-
So anyway, back to the movie (which was awesome, by the way), I was sitting watching Stargate SG-1 over at the Space Channel (it was Monday night and I was bored; I dunno why I was even watching TV that night). I was browsing for what other shows are there to watch when I found out tha The Lost Room will follow the show I was watching. Well, ain't I lucky, eh? I almost forgot about it until I saw it on my screen.
Anyway, so yeah, I waited until 7:00 pm when it finally came on. Usually movies that irked my interest in previews tends to not have a very good follow-through when I start watching it (I base my interest in it on whether I'll get hooked on it during its first 5 minutes or not), but this show...well, let's just say that I was hooked on it and I wanted to find out exactly what the heck was going on. Mind you I had to switch channels back and forth 'coz something else that caught my interest was showing in another channel (gawd, don't you just hate different networks showing all these good shows at the same time?!), but overall I ended up sticking to watching this show and was thankful when the continuation (each episode was 2 hours long) will be shown the following evening as opposed to most 2 or 3-part series that gets shown once a week.
I was confused about the Legion and the Order. I wasn't sure whether the Legion were the good guys or the bad guys and same goes with the Order. I was thrown into the confusion and experiencing the feelings Joe Miller (Peter Krause) was feeling by taking a leap of faith, so to speak, and trusting or not trusting this character or that.
By the end of the first episode I was unsure if one of the good guys, the homicide doctor helping Joe and his partner on the case, was good or bad. But it was soon resolved in the second episode. Also, the question about whether the Legion or the Order should be trusted or not was answered in the second episode. There was a twist in the third episode; something so predictable and yet I chose not to believe it until that scene appeared and the dialogues were spoken.
I will not divulge any more of this story's plot. It was a good show. Very well done. And I noticed that it was directed by TWO directors (the third episode was handled by a different director). Nevertheless it all stayed within context. The ending left me wondering; there were some loopholes left unchecked and I wonder...will there be a sequel to this? Will Joe be one of the Objects now?
If this goes on sale I'll buy it! -LoL-
"Scoop" starring Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson & Woody Allen
Summary written by Focus Features
Supernatural Ep. 7-009 "Croatoan"

"Angel" Beverley Mitchell
Artist: Beverley Mitchell ('Lucy' on 7th Heaven)
OK, I know this is not a TV critique/review, but I just found out about it this evening while browsing the CW site.
Now who would've thought that Beverley Mitchell ('Lucy Camden-Kinkirk' from 7th Heaven) was an aspiring singer????
I remembered a few seasons back (before everyone of the Camden kids decided to get hitched!) that she sang in a Valentine episode or something (that particular episode's kinda foggy now -- it has been years since I last saw that episode!), but never in my life did I expect a country album will come off it! -LoL-
Now I just listened to the first track off her debut album and...well, I didn't know it was a country song until I went to her site and read more about this latest venture of hers, but I knew it sounded kinda country-ish to me, with a Christian-vibe to it.
I ain't gonna thrash her here. I actually kinda like the song. It's soft, sombre and...well, it fits with the mood of her hit TV series that's been going on for like ever now. It was just recently featured in an episode of the show hence how I found out about it (go browse the CW site).
Not bad for her debut single. And I have to say, she definitely took a different route with her choice of music genre. I mean, country? She's like the Carrie Underwood of the already established actors/actresses venturing off to make it big in the music business as well! -LoL- Wasn't Carrie Underwood an American Idol winner or finalist? She went to pursue the country-music route while majority of the AI winners ventured to mainstream pop; and some of the other celebs go the 'pop'-route when making an album.
So major props for Bev Mitchell for not going with the flow! -grins-
Gilmore Girls Ep. 7-006 "French Twist"

Veronica Mars = after the third season opener episode, this show didn't really tickle my fancy and I haven't seen an episode since!
Gilmore Girls = and here I thought this chick series was off to a good start, but I am starting to see the same ol' pattern in Lorelei Gilmore's love life yet again; she's back with Christopher again. How many times will she be going through a relationship with how many different men every season, building up to an almost marriage then ending up with Lorelei suffering from cold feet? It's getting way too redundant for my taste!
CSI: Crime Scene Investigations = this season's off to a dark start. Grey's Anatomy is sure killing this long-time #1 Thursday night drama series in US rating, but I heard here in Canada this show's doing good in ratings. So far so good; at least they aren't focussing too much on the Grissom/Sara relationship although they're showing a soft spot of Grissom for Sara.
Smallville = Oliver Queen is a hottie! And he's not really a bad guy. He and Lois Lane sure are meant for each other. And I am sick and tired of Lana Lang; Lex Luthor's starting to grate on my nerves now too, but at least the Lex/Clark Friendship's been dissolved now -- too bad it was Lana who ruined that so-called friendship between those two.
I am still keeping my eyes open and in tune for other series on TV. When I am more 'in the zone' I'll be posting an in-depth review of other series I've seen.
SMALLVILLE Ep. 6-002 "Sneeze"
VERONICA MARS Ep. 3-001 "Welcome Wagon"

Critique/Review Ratings
Words from This Blogger...
Anyway, for a person who rarely watches TiVo these days (blame it on the overly used reality TV shows out there), there are times when a person just wants to channel-surf and land on a certain TV station/channel where some yet to be discovered show that is not a reality TV show/series catches his/her attention.
I'll be blogging about my take on certain shows/series this season. There are quite a lot of good ones out there and...well, I am soooo hungry for some television series/show that is not based on some reality scenario (please, Survivor was aight even though I didn't give 2-figs about it the first time this show aired a gazillion years ago!).
I am finding myself drawn to watching television these days so on an almost weekly (if not daily) basis I'll be sharing with ya'll my thoughts, complaints and whatnots regarding the various TV series episodes I happen to catch on the tube.